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Medical Microneedling - it's not for your brows


Updated: Mar 25, 2021

Don't get me wrong--permanent make-up on brows is MAGIC. This brow procedure is called microBLADING, and I used to often get it confused with microNEEDLING. Two different things. You probably knew that. But, it confused me.

Here at Needles & Tox, we're about the Medical microNEEDLING of the face, neck, and chest to induce collagen production.

Who needs collagen?

Anyone who wants firm, buyout, younger looking skin. Medical microneedling is one of those few treatments that can benefit most all clients. Without chemicals, surgeries, or prescription skin care, microneedling is the trigger that sets off a natural healing cascade within your body. That healing process brings lots of inflammatory and collagen-building cells to the treated area. Over time, all those healing cells create new and improved collagen and elastin. More collagen and elastin = improved texture, reduced fine lines, and younger looking skin.

What happens during a treatment?

First, you'll apply numbing cream to the areas we are treating. Then, if using PRP, I will draw blood and spin the blood in the centrifuge. Once you're numb, you'll rinse the numbing cream off. Then, I'll attach the 1-time use needle head to the top of the SkinPen device. Starting with your forehead, I'll turn the device on and gently trace the pen across your skin. The needles on the skin pen will penetrate the top layer of your skin and retract completely over and over and over again. This creates "micro-channels". Tiny microscopic holes in the skin. If using PRP, I'll apply the platelet rich plasma over the areas as I treat them. I'll titrate the needle depth depending on area, treatment goals, and tolerability.

Does it hurt?

Yes. and no. This isn't a relaxing facial. It's not a massage. We are poking thousands of tiny holes in your face. But, it should NOT be painful. Most clients describe the sensation as weird and uncomfortable. Some areas will be more sensitive than others (top of the lip is usually more sensitive compared to your cheeks, for example). Your numbing cream is prescription strength and provides tremendous (but not complete!) topical anesthesia.

When will I see results?

The body's natural collage induction process is amazing. But, it's not instantaneous. Expect 90-120 days from your first treatment for full results.

Do I need more than 1 treatment?

Probably. In your microneedling consultation, I'll ask about your goals. Medical microneedling is incredible for acne scarring (particularly when paired with PRP), but those scars took years to develop and they'll take a while to repair. Most scar patients need 6 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Clients who may not have scarring but want to improve the texture of their skin and reduce appearance of fine lines will likely need 3 initial treatments to see results, then 1-2 treatments per year for maintenance.

Can I just get 1 treatment?

You can. But, I'm here for outcomes, not so much for experiments. And most patients who want to see a result, a lasting outcome, will need more than 1 treatment. That's why I'll almost always encourage potential clients to purchase a package of at least 3 microneedling sessions.

But what if after the first time... I hate it?

You won't. But, it you do try it out and after the first treatment you are dreading a second, than it's not for you! And that's OKAY. I won't be offended. If you purchased a package from me, and turns out microneedling isn't for you- No worries. I'll happily refund the remaining balance or you can apply it to Dysport.

Look out for more blog posts! I'll be writing about the Skin Pen, downtime after medical microneedling, topical anesthesia, and pre and post care instructions soon.

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